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I cannot put in anhydrous on Harvested soybean’s for corn. It keeps on flipping on off. Is there a way to fix this?


Hoping someone can help ... on the 6th photo there's a manual filling station with hoses to fill tanks ... I'm struggling to find where that mod/placeable is?

is it part of this pack or do i need to download it from somewhere else?


love the mods, but do these not work with manual attach? struggling to get the anhydrous to flow

i installed the Anhydrous Ammonia pack is installed FS22 and playing the UMRV map but only tanks show up not toolbars

Thank you for making this mod. I use it alot on my farms.

cant get the toolbars to work, some tanks wont fill with anhydrous

Why are the toolbars (the small one, at least) fillable at the anhydrous station? I was dragging it and a small tank home, so I swung by the station to fill the tank, but wasn't pulled ahead far enough when I started filling. I saw my money going down, but the fill gauge for the tank wasn't moving. I stopped it at something like 2700 liters. Sure enough, the toolbar had that much in it. I did an entire field and barely used any of that, so it used none from the tank. I finally edited the xml for my savegame to clear it out of there, since Dev Tools didn't think it could empty it.